My code is supposed to open four workbooks, each of which have a worksheet entitled "Template", loop through each, and for each workbook copy and paste all worksheets after "Template" into a new workbook. The macro is working great until it gets to the final workbook and it stops part of the way through and I get an error saying I can't name a worksheet the same name as an existing worksheet. When I try to move ahead with the macro, it seems that instead of pasting into the new workbook it is trying to paste into the original workbook. I can't figure out why. Here is the macro:
And here is where the error occurs after it's looped through a few worksheets on the final workbook in the array:
Why might Excel out of nowhere try to paste into the workbook from where it's being copied when it's done what I want it to do up until this seemingly random point? Thanks for the help!