Hello community! Thank you in advance to anyone who can help crack this one:
I receive daily reports like the attached via email. The data I would like to pull from it is:
- The numbers in column K. The total each day varies.
- The revenue amounts in column "S" that correspond to the numbers in "K"
- The number in cell "J6" that comes after 'park attendance='
- The date in the cell just bellow the attendance (also the name of each file sent)
I can set up a database in either Access or mySQL to receive the data... I just don't know how to get the info to move from one to the other.
I have asked that the data be sent in .csv rather than excel, but that is not an option. I may have to do that much manually unless anyone has a better idea.
I have a backlog of these sheets of 3 months and a new one showing up each day.