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Workbooks.Open method!

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  1. #1
    Registered User
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    Excel 2010

    Exclamation Workbooks.Open method!

    Hi there,

    here is a small context:
    I created a worksheet for project manager to fill bi-weekly with their project's status. One worksheet per project. So each project manager have 1 excel file with many worksheets since they all have more than one project. Each worksheet as a unique name (project's id).

    I created a workbook for the project management office (PMO). In that workbook, I have different worksheets and one of them lists all projects with some of their info. For that worksheet to work, I need to have a copy of all the worksheets.

    I created a VBA macro that will open all excel file in the same folder and loop through all worksheet and copy them into the PMO workbook.

    It was working well until recently and I just can't find why it stopped working.

    Basically, the VBA macro loops through all excel files in the current folder. Open them one by one and loops through all worksheet except the one titled "Listes" and copy them into the main workbook. Pretty straight forward.

    The thing is that now, when I try to open a workbook using Workbooks.Open(path_to_the_workbook), it opens it, make it active and that's it. It never reaches the next line of code in my VBA.

    Any idea what's happening?

    Here is the code:
    Public Sub MettreAJour()
        On Error GoTo ErreurMettreAJour
        Dim excelFilesCollection As New Collection  ' Collection des fichiers Excel des chargés de projet
        Dim chargeProjetWorkbook As Workbook        ' Fichier Excel de la feuille de temps
        Dim excelFile As File                       ' Variable de bouclage
        Dim ficheProjet As Worksheet                ' Variable pour le bouclage des fiches projet
        ' Make sure archives folders exist
        If Len(Dir(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Archives", vbDirectory)) < 1 Then
            MkDir Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Archives"
        End If
        If Len(Dir(Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Archives\Donnees", vbDirectory)) < 1 Then
            MkDir Application.ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Archives\Donnees"
        End If
        ' Backup this file in case of a crash in the middle of the import
        Application.DisplayAlerts = False
        ActiveWorkbook.SaveCopyAs Filename:=Application.ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\Archives\Donnees\Backup-" & CStr(Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD-HhNn")) & ".xlsm"
        Application.DisplayAlerts = True
        ' Get a list of all excel file in the current folder
        GetListeDesFichiersExcel excelFilesCollection
        ' Loop through each excel file
        For Each excelFile In excelFilesCollection
            If (excelFile.Path <> ThisWorkbook.FullName) Then
                ' Open the workbook with Workbooks.Open as oppose to a standalone Excel object since both workbook
                ' need to be opened in the same process to allow copying of worksheet
                Set chargeProjetWorkbook = Workbooks.Open(ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & excelFile.Name)
                ' Delete named range to prevent duplicate named range, which are useless anyway in this workbook
                SupprimeNamedRange chargeProjetWorkbook
                ' Loop in each of the worksheet
                For Each ficheProjet In chargeProjetWorkbook.Worksheets
                    ' Import all but "Listes" worksheet
                    If (ficheProjet.Name <> "Listes") Then
                        ' If the worksheet already exists (from a previous import), delete it so we can re-import it with its fresh data
                        If IsWorksheetExists(ThisWorkbook, ficheProjet.Name) Then
                            Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                            Application.DisplayAlerts = True
                        End If
                        ' Remove validation of all cells
                        ' Copy the worksheet at the appropriate place
                        ' The EmplacementFichesProjetOrdreAlphabetique function returns the right index where the worksheet should be inserted
                        ficheProjet.Copy After:=ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(EmplacementFichesProjetOrdreAlphabetique(ficheProjet.Name))
                        ' Make the worksheet read-only
                        ThisWorkbook.Worksheets(ficheProjet.Name).Protect Password:="test"
                    End If
                ' Close the workbook
                chargeProjetWorkbook.Close SaveChanges:=False
                Set chargeProjetWorkbook = Nothing
                ' Copy the original workbook in the archive
                Name ThisWorkbook.Path & "\" & excelFile.Name As ThisWorkbook.Path & "\Archives\" & CStr(Format(Now, "YYYYMMDD-HhNn")) & "-" & excelFile.Name
            End If
        Set chargeProjetWorkbook = Nothing
        Set excelFilesCollection = Nothing
        GoTo FinMettreAJour 'Skip Error Handling
    ErreurMettreAJour:           ' Error Handling
        MsgBox Err.Description, , Err.Number
    FinMettreAJour:          ' Fin de la procédure!
        MsgBox "L'import des fiches projet est terminée!", vbOKOnly + vbInformation, "Import terminée"
    End Sub
    Last edited by nfuids; 10-03-2011 at 03:46 PM.

  2. #2
    Registered User
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    Re: Problem with Workbooks.Open method!

    So in the above code, the debugger never reaches the line

    SupprimeNamedRange chargeProjetWorkbook

  3. #3
    Registered User
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    Re: Workbooks.Open method!

    Any idea what I could do to help in the debugging?

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