I have the final, and most important, step left in a matching macro to go but i think its over my head.
Effectively, after much sorting, i have data in two sheets of a workbook, one contains a large amount data('large sheet"), the other much less("small sheet"). For every row in the small sheet there is a similar, but not exact, row in the "large sheet". I would like advice on the code, i assume loop, to "match" the rows from "small sheet" to the large sheet using the three columns as identifying values. All unmatched trades are not needed, i would prefer to achieve this by copying the "matched" rows from the "large sheet" and pasting it into new sheet so that i can tidy it up, but at this stage(crash course on vba code wise), i should be able to tidy it myself(google). all relevant cells are numeric.
Is this possible? i could if required, move the "small sheets" data around so that the matching data is contained the same columns in both sheets, but i assume that isnt necessary. also, i need to use three columns because the sheet is large and will be used so often that i want to to be robust enough to handle the likely event of unwanted matches, is that possible, extensive google searches have left me worried it's not.
The columns from the small sheet are E, F, I to match with the columns in G, I, L respectively.
Any help, regardless of how incomplete would be greatly appreciated, i've recently learnt a lot(relatively speaking) on VBA so i can hopefully build on any help.