I hope someone can help, I just don't seem to be able to produce a macro that will work for the problem I have.
I have a macro that works great below:-
Now I need to make some additions to this to make the following changes :-
1. Insert 5 columns at the start, in the header row call these (in this order)
Col A = Service Reference
Col B = Service
Col C = Service Enhancement
Col D = Service Format
Col E = Service Class
2. Every row (with existing data) in the sheet then needs to be populated with the following data:
Col A = 1
Col B = PK1
Col C = blank
Col D = P
Col e = 1st
3. I then need to merge the surname into the first name column so we have first name and last name together (cols P and Q)
4. In Col V I need it to If cell = United Kingdom make the cell blank but If cell = France, change to FR
5. For Col AD (weight) if col V is blank populate 750 but if Col V shows FR then populate 220
Iv'e been searching for answers for days and trying different options but I am completely stuck.
I have attached the raw data example sheet and an example of how the results should look also.
All help is appreciated.
Many thanks