I am desperate to find a solution for my Workbook, for which I need to create a macro. My problem is that i don't really have much experience with macros. I really hope you can help me! That's the situation:
I am creating a summary sheet for a document with over 100 sheets with the following characteristics:
- Not all the sheets are activated
- All the sheets have different names
- All the sheets are structured in the same way
I need a macro to copy the values of a cell range from all the activated sheets and paste them in the summary sheet. It should be able to:
- Copy values of I9:N9 from all the sheets and paste them in...
D5:I5(values of sheet 1)
D6:I6(values of sheet 2)
D7:I7 (values of sheet 3)
D8:I8 (values of sheet 4)
D9:I9 (values of sheet 5)... and so on
- Copy sheet name of activated sheets and paste them on a list on summary sheet starting at C5
The summary sheet already exits and it's called "RESUMEN" (I already have some other information and formulas running on "RESUMEN"). I am interested in ...
...Copying only cells values because they are actually formulas
...Copying only from activated sheets, since I have some inactive sheets that I use as drafts for other macros
I would be really glad if someone could help me! Thank you so much!!!!!!!!!