Hi, I have a VBA problem which looks like it could be solved using a VLookup function but I can't seem to get the coding to work.
Suppose I have a list of colours on Sheet 1. I have a drop-down list of this data in another sheet (Sheet 2). I then have a button for a macro which runs a process to return some information on the chosen colour. I want to copy this data and paste it in Sheet 1 on the row with the chosen colour on.
Intuitively, I thought perhaps running a VLookup might work by using the drop-down list as the lookup value and the data set on Sheet 1 as the table array then offsetting the selection by one to the right before pasting. Alternatively, I've tried using the data-set and adjacent column as the table array and selecting the cell in row 2. Neither's worked which may be due to my coding being terrible or me approaching the problem in a silly way.