Attached is a modified version of your Unit workbook. The Paste macro has been deleted and the object assigned to the Paste macro has been reassigned to the Copy macro. In the 'Entry' sheet, rows 55 to 105 have been deleted including the object that was assigned to the Copy macro. All you need to do is click the object in the 'Master' sheet to run the new Copy macro to pull in information as desired. The Copy macro has been updated to the following:
Sub Copy_()
'E = Entry, M = Master, rc = RowCount, nr = NextRow
Static wsE As Worksheet: Set wsE = Sheets("Entry")
Static wsM As Worksheet: Set wsM = Sheets("Master")
Static Erc As Long: Erc = wsE.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row - 9
Static Mnr As Long: Mnr = wsM.Cells(Rows.Count, "A").End(xlUp).Row + 1
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "A").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("C10").Resize(Erc).Value 'Last name
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "B").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("B10").Resize(Erc).Value 'Rank
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "C").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("A10").Resize(Erc).Value 'Serial Number
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "D").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("B5").Value 'Start Date
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "E").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("B6").Value 'End Date
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "F").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("N10").Resize(Erc).Value 'Card Number
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "G").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("B1").Value 'Course Name
wsM.Cells(Mnr, "H").Resize(Erc).Value = wsE.Range("B2").Value 'Session
End Sub
Hope that helps,