Here is what I tried to get a draggable formula.
In a standard module
Option Explicit
Function Conc(RangeAddress As String, Optional Separator As String = "")
Dim Cell As Range, rng As Range
Set rng = Range(RangeAddress)
For Each Cell In rng
If Cell <> "" Then
ConcBeforeBlank = ConcBeforeBlank & Separator & Cell
End If
If Separator <> "" Then
ConcBeforeBlank = Right(ConcBeforeBlank, Len(ConcBeforeBlank) - Len(Separator))
End If
End Function
Put this in A2 (With your Data in Column B starting Row 2)
Drag/Fill Down
In D2
=IF(B2="","",IF(B3="",concBeforeBlank("B"&ROW()-A2+1&":B"&ROW(),", "),""))
Drag/Fill Down
This will return a concatenation of the rows that are separated by blanks.
Hope this helps.