The is no cell with a button in it. There are some cells with a button over them.
I think this routine will do what you want, once the Source and destination ranges are set to match your situation. The positioning of the button may be a bit odd if the height and width of the source cells and destination cells is different.
Sub test()
    Dim sourceRange As Range, sourceCell As Range
    Dim destinationRange As Range
    Dim rNum As Long, cNum As Long
    Dim Loffset As Single, Toffset As Single
    Dim coveringButton As Shape
    Set sourceRange = Sheet1.Range("B3:C5"): Rem adjust
    Set destinationRange = Sheet1.Range("P10"): Rem adjust

    With sourceRange
        Rem copy buttons
        For rNum = 1 To .Rows.Count
            For cNum = 1 To .Columns.Count
                With .Cells(rNum, cNum)
                    Set coveringButton = ButtonCovering(.Cells)
                    If coveringButton Is Nothing Then
                         Rem do nothing
                        Loffset = coveringButton.Left - .Left
                        Toffset = coveringButton.Top - .Top
                        With destinationRange.Parent
                            With .Shapes(.Shapes.Count)
                                .Top = destinationRange(rNum, cNum).Top + Toffset
                                .Left = destinationRange.Cells(rNum, cNum).Left + Loffset
                            End With
                        End With
                    End If
                End With
            Next cNum
        Next rNum
        Rem copy cells
        .Copy Destination:=destinationRange
    End With
End Sub

Function ButtonCovering(aCell As Range) As Shape
    Dim oneShape As Shape
    For Each oneShape In aCell.Parent.Shapes
        With oneShape
            If .Type = msoFormControl Then
                If .FormControlType = xlButtonControl Then
                    If ((aCell.Left < .Left + .Width / 2) And (.Left + .Width / 2 <= aCell.Left + aCell.Width)) _
                        And ((aCell.Top < .Top + .Height / 2) And (.Top + .Height / 2 < aCell.Top + aCell.Height)) Then
                        Set ButtonCovering = oneShape
                        Exit Function
                    End If
                End If
            End If
        End With
    Next oneShape
End Function