Hello everyone,
I have a worksheet in which rows 1-7 are being used as the 'header', and rows 8-1008 as data.
Rows 8 and 9 are column headers.
Row 10 provides a description and instructions on how to interpret the column headers in rows 8-9. (I have hidden this row and have instead chosen to attach the instructions as comments to the specific cells. But it may be the case that I start displaying this again.)
The data runs from columns A-L.
I need to print the 'header' rows of 1-7, and then subsequently all the following rows which have been filled in - which might only be row 8, or it might be all the rows up to 1008...
Additionally, although I don't know if this adds very much to the coding, this will be printed on A3 in landscape.
I would really appreciate some help...
My really very basic first attempt is as follows
And I 'recorded' this macro by selecting cells A2-L2, and then pressing Ctrl+Shift+DownArrow until I got to the last row. However, this currently doesn't work.
Many thanks in advance 