I have created a xls for my employer. It works absolutely fine on all the machine except only one machine.
It does not give me any error message on that particular machine. In fact When I check sent item on outlook it has the email also. But receiver does not receive the emails. I checked most of the things but could not find any problem. as it is working on all other machine its hard to pin point issue.. Here is the code i use.
Set xlws = Sheets("Sheet1")
Dim Recip()
ReDim Preserve Recip(0)
ReDim Preserve Recip(1)
ReDim Preserve Recip(2)
Dim toSend
Recip(2) = "cpate@abc.com"
If ActiveCell.Value <> "store00@abc.com" Then
'First Email from J3 cell
Recip(0) = ActiveCell.Value
'Recip(0) = "xyz@gmail.com"
If ActiveCell.Value <> "store00@abc.com" Then
'Second Email
Recip(1) = ActiveCell.Value
'Checking if ListBox has warehouse Stores if Yes then we have to check
'if this is wine transfer or normal transfer
If Range("G4").Value = "1" Or Range("G4").Value = "4" Or Range("G4").Value = "5" Or Range("G4").Value = "8" Then
If Range("J4").Value = "1" Or Range("J4").Value = "4" Or Range("J4").Value = "5" Or Range("J4").Value = "8" Then
If Range("P2").Value = "1" Then
Recip(0) = "store0" & Range("G4").Value & "warehouse@abc.com"
Recip(1) = "store0" & Range("J4").Value & "warehouse@abc.com"
End If
End If
End If
'If it is warehouse transfer Recip value will be changed inside the if condition and
'Email will be sent to warehouse Department
ActiveWorkbook.SendMail Recipients:=Recip, Subject:="Confirmation Email - Store to Store Transfer Form No" & " - " & Range("A1").Value
'Following command Disable Email Button if email sent successfully
Sheet1.CommandButton2.Enabled = False
MsgBox "Please select valid To store"
End If
MsgBox "Please select valid From store"
End If
Please guide me on this if anyone has encounter same problem...
Thanks in advance.