1) You will place a search button on your sheet called "Search" to run this macro
2) You want the search sheet to only list the rows of the most recent search
3) You want ALL sheet searched except the "Search" sheet
4) You want ALL cells searched on each sheet
5) You want to see the entire row(s)
6) That sometimes the search string is a "whole cell" value and other times it is a "partial cell" value
Try this:
Option Explicit
Sub SearchSheets()
'Summary: Search all sheets for a specific string and copy rows back to search sheet
Dim MyStr As String
Dim NR As Long, strPart As Long
Dim wsSrch As Worksheet, wsX As Worksheet
Dim CpyRng As Range, cFIND As Range, cFIRST As Range
MyStr = Application.InputBox("Enter the search string", "Search", "cat", Type:=2)
If MyStr = "False" Then Exit Sub
If MsgBox("Only match cells where the string is the WHOLE cell value?", vbYesNo, "Whole matches only?") = vbYes Then
strPart = 1
strPart = 2
End If
Set wsSrch = Sheets("Search") 'error here means the search sheet wasn't found
NR = 2
On Error Resume Next
For Each wsX In Worksheets
If wsX.Name <> wsSrch.Name Then
Set cFIND = wsX.Cells.Find(MyStr, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=strPart)
If Not cFIND Is Nothing Then
Set CpyRng = wsX.Range("A" & cFIND.Row)
Set CpyRng = Union(CpyRng, wsX.Range("A" & cFIND.Row))
Set cFIND = wsX.Cells.FindNext(cFIND)
Loop Until cFIRST.Address = cFIND.Address
CpyRng.EntireRow.Copy wsSrch.Range("A" & NR)
NR = NR + CpyRng.Rows.Count
Set CpyRng = Nothing
Set cFIRST = Nothing
Set cFIND = Nothing
End If
End If
Next wsX
If wsSrch.Range("A2") = "" Then wsSrch.Range("A2") = "None found"
End Sub