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combine cellcontents based on comparison multiple cells

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    combine cellcontents based on comparison multiple cells


    I am really stuck on this.

    My sheet is as follows:

    A             B           C              D                   E
    name       Address     Postal      Country                Account
    John        Street         151          FR                123
    Pete        Strasse        202          DE                456
    John        Street         151          FR                789
    John        Street         888          FR                111
    I would like to have all doubles removed and their unique accounts into one cell.
    In this example John occurs twice with the same address, postal and country, so his account is combined. The 888 should not be combined as it is not the same John.

    My result would look like:

    A             B           C              D                   E
    name       Address     Postal      Country                Account
    John        Street         151          FR                123, 789
    Pete        Strasse        202          DE                456
    John        Street         888          FR                111
    I hope anyone is able to help me, I have been trying in VBA but no luck so far.
    Last edited by scarm; 08-07-2011 at 03:33 PM.

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