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macro to find text heading then select underlying data?

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  1. #1
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    macro to find text heading then select underlying data?

    Hi, I don't expect a solution for this, but it would be great to know if it might be possible. Looking at the attached worksheet, would it be possible to search for a text heading (i.e. Group A) and then select all rows and columns underneath that heading until there is an empty cell?

    The format of my actual data extract is just like this, where the text heading is listed, then dashes below, then data. The amount of rows will vary, that's why I hope to select all for each keyword until an empty row appears.

    If it is possible to find and select that data, I then want to cut and past in a new worksheet tab.

    thanks for any input!
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  2. #2
    Forum Expert JBeaucaire's Avatar
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    Re: macro to find text heading then select underlying data?

    Searching for "Group A" is simple and selecting all the data in the range of cells attached to that cell is also pretty simple. What you left out was what to DO with that once it is found.

    This little macro will find your search string, and copy the data set to sheet2.
    Option Explicit
    Sub FindSpecial()
    Dim sFIND As Range
    MySearch = Application.InputBox("What string to search for?", "Search", "cat", Type:=2)
    If MySearch = "False" Then Exit Sub
    On Error Resume Next
    Set sFIND = RNG.Find(MySearch, LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlPart)
    If Not sFIND Is Nothing Then
        sFIND.CurrentRegion.Copy Sheets("Sheet2").Range("A1")
        MsgBox "Search string '" & MySearch & "' was not found."
    End If
    End Sub
    Last edited by JBeaucaire; 08-06-2011 at 01:38 AM.
    Microsoft MVP 2010 - Excel
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  3. #3
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: macro to find text heading then select underlying data?

    You will have to save your file as an Excel Macro file.
    Then you will have to add a module for putting code in.
    Note: There are general modules and Class modules.
    You want to add a General module in that the code below
    is for a general module.
    Based on your original Excel file I have made the assumption that all data
    blocks begin with the word GROUP e.g. Group A , Group B etc.
    If that assumption is NOT true then the code below will fail.
    Please note the following about the code below:

    * Alot of it will seem like gibberish. Just ignore most of it and look for a
    subroutine called PUBLIC SUB MAIN. Once you have found it - put your
    cursor in it and run it using the F8 key or the Shift F8 to by pass going into
    lower sub routines.

    * It is "more correct" to use local variables in a sub-routine but I not done this
    and created properties for various counts and other thingies. They are being
    used in place of local variables.

    * I tested the code by (1) using what you had and (2) adding additional GROUPS
    with various # of blank lines between them and the code seems to work,
    BUT - the code assumes that the KEY WORD GROUP is **always** there
    and **always** in the 1st column.

    * This code is NOT elegant or the fastest way to do it - but its the way
    I think. -g-
    Just copy and paste the code below into the module I described above.
    As in your example - I ASSUME data is in SHEET1 and you want to
    write to SHEET2. (You can change this in the code if required)

    Option Explicit
    Const START_COLUMN As String = "A"
    Const KEY_WORD_GROUP As String = "GROUP"
    Const WILD_CARD As String = "*"
    Const FIRST_COLUMN As Integer = 1
    Private mo_WSData As Excel.Worksheet ' Your Original WS with data
    Private mo_WS_WriteTo As Excel.Worksheet ' The WS that the data blocks w/be written to
    Private mo_RngAllData As Excel.Range
    Private mo_RngFirstColumn As Excel.Range
    Private mo_RngDataBlock As Excel.Range
    Private ms_WSName As String
    Private mlng_LastRow As Long
    Private mlng_CurrentRow As Long
    Private mlng_NextRow As Long
    Private mlng_LastColumn As Long
    Private mlng_CNTBlanks As Long
    Private mlng_CNTGroupWord As Long
    Public Property Get CNTBlanks() As Long
        CNTBlanks = mlng_CNTBlanks
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let CNTBlanks(lng As Long)
        mlng_CNTBlanks = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get CNTGroupWord() As Long
        CNTGroupWord = mlng_CNTGroupWord
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let CNTGroupWord(lng As Long)
        mlng_CNTGroupWord = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get CurrentRow() As Long
        CurrentRow = mlng_CurrentRow
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let CurrentRow(lng As Long)
        mlng_CurrentRow = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get NextRow() As Long
        NextRow = mlng_NextRow
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let NextRow(lng As Long)
        mlng_NextRow = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get LastColumn() As Long
        LastColumn = mlng_LastColumn
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let LastColumn(lng As Long)
        mlng_LastColumn = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get LastRow() As Long
        LastRow = mlng_LastRow
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let LastRow(lng As Long)
        mlng_LastRow = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Sub Main()
        On Error GoTo EH_Main
        Dim lng As Long
        '   WS Data Blocks will be Written to
        WS_Name = "Sheet2"
        Set WS_WriteTo = Sheets(WS_Name)
        '   Clear out old data - if any
        '   WS Containing Data
        WS_Name = "Sheet1"
        Set WS_Data = Sheets(WS_Name)
        '   Make WS_Data (Sheet1) the Active Worksheet
        '   Last Row/Last Column containing data
        LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, START_COLUMN).End(xlUp).Row
        LastColumn = Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
        '   Range of All Data including BLANK rows
        With WS_Data
            Set Rng_AllData = .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
            '   Range which consists of ONLY column 1 in Range Rng_AllData
            Set Rng_FirstColumn = Rng_AllData.Columns(FIRST_COLUMN)
        End With
        '   Information Counts - based on Range Rng_FirstColumn
        '   CNTGroupWord is used in a FOR LOOP
        With WorksheetFunction
            '   Total # of Blank Cells in Range First Column
            CNTBlanks = .CountBlank(Rng_FirstColumn)
            '   Total # of Cells containing the word GROUP
            CNTGroupWord = .CountIf(Rng_FirstColumn, KEY_WORD_GROUP & WILD_CARD)
        End With
        '   Using a For Loop based on CNTGroupWord
        For lng = 1 To CNTGroupWord
            Select Case lng
                Case 1
                    '   Find First NON-BLANK after Row 1 (in the 1st column)
                    CurrentRow = Rng_FirstColumn.Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row
                    '   The 1st Block of Data
                    With WS_Data
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = .Range("A" & CurrentRow).CurrentRegion
                        Rng_DataBlock.Copy WS_WriteTo.Range(Rng_DataBlock.Address)
                    End With
                    '   Start Row for next .End(xlDown) operation
                    NextRow = Rng_DataBlock.Rows(Rng_DataBlock.Rows.Count).Row
                    '   Find First NON-BLANK after Row NextRow (in the 1st column)
                    CurrentRow = Rng_FirstColumn.Cells(NextRow, 1).End(xlDown).Row
            Case Else
                    '   Subsequent Blocks of Data
                    With WS_Data
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = .Range("A" & CurrentRow).CurrentRegion
                        Rng_DataBlock.Copy WS_WriteTo.Range(Rng_DataBlock.Address)
                    End With
                    '   Start Row for next .End(xlDown) operation
                    NextRow = Rng_DataBlock.Rows(Rng_DataBlock.Rows.Count).Row
                    CurrentRow = Rng_FirstColumn.Cells(NextRow, 1).End(xlDown).Row
            End Select
        '   Exit this routine
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Public Sub Main()"
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Property Get Rng_AllData() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_AllData = mo_RngAllData
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_AllData(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngAllData = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get Rng_DataBlock() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_DataBlock = mo_RngDataBlock
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_DataBlock(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngDataBlock = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get Rng_FirstColumn() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_FirstColumn = mo_RngFirstColumn
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_FirstColumn(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngFirstColumn = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get WS_Data() As Excel.Worksheet
        Set WS_Data = mo_WSData
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set WS_Data(o As Excel.Worksheet)
        Set mo_WSData = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get WS_Name() As String
        WS_Name = ms_WSName
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let WS_Name(s As String)
        ms_WSName = s
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get WS_WriteTo() As Excel.Worksheet
        Set WS_WriteTo = mo_WS_WriteTo
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set WS_WriteTo(o As Excel.Worksheet)
        Set mo_WS_WriteTo = o
        Exit Property
    End Property

  4. #4
    Valued Forum Contributor gjlindn's Avatar
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    Re: macro to find text heading then select underlying data?

    I'm betting you're looking for something like this.
    Sub TxfrSections()
        Dim wsData      As Worksheet
        Dim wsNew       As Worksheet
        Dim rHeader     As Range
        Dim rCopy       As Range
        Dim rBottom     As Range
        Dim lCalc       As Long
        Dim bScrUpdt    As Boolean
        Dim bEvents     As Boolean
        'Speed things up
        lCalc = Application.Calculation
        bScrUpdt = Application.ScreenUpdating
        bEvents = Application.EnableEvents
        Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual
        Application.ScreenUpdating = False
        Application.EnableEvents = False
        'Set variables
        Set wsData = Sheets("Sheet1")   'sheet with your data on it
        Set rHeader = Range("A1:I1")    'range where your headers reside
        Set rBottom = wsData.Cells(Rows.Count, rHeader.Column).End(xlUp)
        Set rCopy = rHeader
            Set rCopy = rCopy.Cells(rCopy.Rows.Count, rHeader.Column).Offset(0, 1).End(xlDown).Offset(0, -1)
            Set rCopy = wsData.Range(rCopy, rCopy.End(xlDown).Offset(0, rHeader.Columns.Count - 1))
            Set wsNew = Sheets.Add
            wsNew.Name = rCopy.Offset(-2).Resize(1, 1).Text
            wsNew.Range("A1").Resize(1, rHeader.Columns.Count).Value = rHeader.Value
            wsNew.Range("A2").Resize(rCopy.Rows.Count, rCopy.Columns.Count).Formula = rCopy.Formula
            wsNew.Move After:=Sheets(Sheets.Count)
        Loop Until rCopy.Cells(rCopy.Rows.Count, rHeader.Column).Row = rBottom.Row
        Set wsData = Nothing
        Set rHeader = Nothing
        Set rBottom = Nothing
        Set rCopy = Nothing
        Set wsNew = Nothing
        'Restore settings
        Application.Calculation = lCalc
        Application.ScreenUpdating = bScrUpdt
        Application.EnableEvents = bEvents
    End Sub
    Attached Files Attached Files
    -Greg If this is helpful, pls click Star icon in lower left corner

  5. #5
    Forum Contributor
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    Re: macro to find text heading then select underlying data?

    I woke up this morning and realized that what I posted is NOT what you wanted.
    Very simply (if I am correct) you are simply trying to write the FINANCIAL DATA ONLY
    to another worksheet.
    Additionally, I am assuming that you WANT the column headings.
    If these assumptions are correct - then here is the revised code.
    Option Explicit
    Const START_COLUMN As String = "A"
    Const FIRST_COLUMN As Integer = 1
    Const FIRST_ROW As Integer = 1
    Const KEY_WORD_GROUP As String = "GROUP"
    Const WILD_CARD As String = "*"
    Const CELL_A1 As String = "A1"
    Private mo_WSData As Excel.Worksheet
    Private mo_WS_WriteTo As Excel.Worksheet
    Private mo_RngAllData As Excel.Range
    Private mo_RngFirstColumn As Excel.Range
    Private mo_RngDataBlock As Excel.Range
    Private mo_RngColumnHeadings As Excel.Range
    Private mo_RngExistingDataOnWSWriteTo As Excel.Range
    Private ms_WSName As String
    Private mlng_LastRow As Long
    Private mlng_CurrentRow As Long
    Private mlng_NextRow As Long
    Private mlng_TargetRow As Long
    Private mlng_LastColumn As Long
    Private mlng_CNTBlanks As Long
    Private mlng_CNTGroupWord As Long
    Public Property Get CNTBlanks() As Long
        CNTBlanks = mlng_CNTBlanks
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let CNTBlanks(lng As Long)
        mlng_CNTBlanks = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get CNTGroupWord() As Long
        CNTGroupWord = mlng_CNTGroupWord
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let CNTGroupWord(lng As Long)
        mlng_CNTGroupWord = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get CurrentRow() As Long
        CurrentRow = mlng_CurrentRow
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let CurrentRow(lng As Long)
        mlng_CurrentRow = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get NextRow() As Long
        NextRow = mlng_NextRow
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let NextRow(lng As Long)
        mlng_NextRow = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get TargetRow() As Long
        TargetRow = mlng_TargetRow
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let TargetRow(lng As Long)
        mlng_TargetRow = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get LastColumn() As Long
        LastColumn = mlng_LastColumn
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let LastColumn(lng As Long)
        mlng_LastColumn = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get LastRow() As Long
        LastRow = mlng_LastRow
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let LastRow(lng As Long)
        mlng_LastRow = lng
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Sub Main()
        On Error GoTo EH_Main
        Dim lng As Long
        '   WS Data Blocks will be Written to
        WS_Name = "Sheet2"
        Set WS_WriteTo = Sheets(WS_Name)
        '   Clear out old data - if any
        '   WS Containing Data
        WS_Name = "Sheet1"
        Set WS_Data = Sheets(WS_Name)
        '   Make WS_Data (Sheet1) the Active Worksheet
        '   Last Row/Last Column containing data
        LastRow = Cells(Rows.Count, START_COLUMN).End(xlUp).Row
        LastColumn = Cells(1, 1).End(xlToRight).Column
        '   Create Needed Ranges
        With WS_Data
            '   Range of All Data including BLANK rows
            Set Rng_AllData = .Range(Cells(1, 1), Cells(LastRow, LastColumn))
            '   Range - First Column of Rng_AllData
            Set Rng_FirstColumn = Rng_AllData.Columns(FIRST_COLUMN)
            '   Range - First Row of Rng_AllData
            Set Rng_ColumnHeadings = Rng_AllData.Rows(FIRST_ROW)
        End With
        '   Information Counts - based on Range Rng_FirstColumn
        '   CNTGroupWord is used in a FOR LOOP
        With WorksheetFunction
            '   Total # of Blank Cells in Range First Column
            CNTBlanks = .CountBlank(Rng_FirstColumn)
            '   Total # of Cells containing the word GROUP
            CNTGroupWord = .CountIf(Rng_FirstColumn, KEY_WORD_GROUP & WILD_CARD)
        End With
        '   Using a For Loop based on CNTGroupWord
        For lng = 0 To CNTGroupWord
            Select Case lng
                Case 0
                    '   Copy Headings to WS_WriteTo (Sheets2)
                    Rng_ColumnHeadings.Copy WS_WriteTo.Cells(1, 1)
                Case 1
                    '   Find First NON-BLANK after Row 1 (in 1st column)
                    CurrentRow = Rng_FirstColumn.Cells(1, 1).End(xlDown).Row
                    '   Get 1st Block of Data
                    With WS_Data
                        'Includes Group Word and Underline
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = .Range("A" & CurrentRow).CurrentRegion
                        'Excludes Group Word and Underline BUT adds 2 unwanted rows
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = Rng_DataBlock.Offset(2, 0)
                        'Resets Range to correct size
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = Rng_DataBlock.Resize(Rng_DataBlock.Rows.Count - 2, Rng_DataBlock.Columns.Count)
                    End With
                    '   Determine Next Row on WS_WriteTo
                    With WS_WriteTo
                        Set Rng_ExistingDataOnWSWriteTo = .Range(CELL_A1).CurrentRegion
                        TargetRow = Rng_ExistingDataOnWSWriteTo.Rows.Count + 1
                    End With
                    '   Copy data to WS_WriteTo (Sheets2)
                    Rng_DataBlock.Copy WS_WriteTo.Cells(TargetRow, 1)
                    '   Start Row for next .End(xlDown) operation
                    NextRow = Rng_DataBlock.Rows(Rng_DataBlock.Rows.Count).Row
                    '   Find First NON-BLANK after Row NextRow (in the 1st column)
                    CurrentRow = Rng_FirstColumn.Cells(NextRow, 1).End(xlDown).Row
            Case Else
                    '   Subsequent Blocks of Data
                    With WS_Data
                        'Includes Group Word and Underline
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = .Range("A" & CurrentRow).CurrentRegion
                        'Excludes Group Word and Underline BUT adds 2 unwanted rows
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = Rng_DataBlock.Offset(2, 0)
                        'Resets Range to correct size
                        Set Rng_DataBlock = Rng_DataBlock.Resize(Rng_DataBlock.Rows.Count - 2, Rng_DataBlock.Columns.Count)
                    End With
                    '   Determine Next Row on WS_WriteTo
                    With WS_WriteTo
                        Set Rng_ExistingDataOnWSWriteTo = .Range(CELL_A1).CurrentRegion
                        TargetRow = Rng_ExistingDataOnWSWriteTo.Rows.Count + 1
                    End With
                    '   Copy data to WS_WriteTo (Sheets2)
                    Rng_DataBlock.Copy WS_WriteTo.Cells(TargetRow, 1)
                    '   Start Row for next .End(xlDown) operation
                    NextRow = Rng_DataBlock.Rows(Rng_DataBlock.Rows.Count).Row
                    CurrentRow = Rng_FirstColumn.Cells(NextRow, 1).End(xlDown).Row
            End Select
        Exit Sub
        MsgBox Err.Number & " " & Err.Description, vbCritical, "Public Sub Main()"
        Exit Sub
    End Sub
    Public Property Get Rng_AllData() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_AllData = mo_RngAllData
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_AllData(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngAllData = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get Rng_ColumnHeadings() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_ColumnHeadings = mo_RngColumnHeadings
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_ColumnHeadings(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngColumnHeadings = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get Rng_DataBlock() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_DataBlock = mo_RngDataBlock
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_DataBlock(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngDataBlock = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get Rng_ExistingDataOnWSWriteTo() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_ExistingDataOnWSWriteTo = mo_RngExistingDataOnWSWriteTo
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_ExistingDataOnWSWriteTo(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngExistingDataOnWSWriteTo = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get Rng_FirstColumn() As Excel.Range
        Set Rng_FirstColumn = mo_RngFirstColumn
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set Rng_FirstColumn(o As Excel.Range)
        Set mo_RngFirstColumn = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get WS_Data() As Excel.Worksheet
        Set WS_Data = mo_WSData
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set WS_Data(o As Excel.Worksheet)
        Set mo_WSData = o
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get WS_Name() As String
        WS_Name = ms_WSName
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Let WS_Name(s As String)
        ms_WSName = s
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Get WS_WriteTo() As Excel.Worksheet
        Set WS_WriteTo = mo_WS_WriteTo
        Exit Property
    End Property
    Public Property Set WS_WriteTo(o As Excel.Worksheet)
        Set mo_WS_WriteTo = o
        Exit Property
    End Property

  6. #6
    Registered User
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    Re: macro to find text heading then select underlying data?

    Thanks all for the feedback. I will try out some of these suggestions.

    Thank you

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