I'm hoping someone can help. I have created a workbook with two sheets. A sheet named "Invoice" and another named "Sales Summary Sheet" (SSS).
After clicking on a button (on the Invoice sheet), data in specific cells get copied to specific cells in SSS.
I want to copy row(s) depending on how many rows are entered into the Invoice template, to the SSS sheet. Currently rows A19:H19, A20:H20, A21:H21...to A32:H32 are rows that can have potential data in it that need to be copied to rows in the SSS sheet.
For every row in the Invoice sheet, I need to copy the data to a new row in the SSS sheet (and not overwrite existing rows of data in the SSS sheet). So for example row A19:A32 need to be copied to A2:O2, and if data in B19:B32 exists , then it also needs to be copied to A3:O3.
Once SSS is saved, the next time I open Invoice and re-enter data into A19:A32, it will add the data into SSS in cells A4:O4.
Right now I have this current code:
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When I run the above code, it only copies row A19:H19 in the Invoice sheet to row A2:O2 in SSS, and DOES NOT copy the second (third, fourth...) row of data to SSS.
Please see attachments to see what the Invoice (before) and SSS sheet (after) should look like.
Any help would be GREATLY APPRECIATED!