Hey folks!
I am new to the site, have been a lurker for some time now grabbing code left and right when I need it but I have run into an issue I do not know the code for.
What I need to do is track each change within each cell from B4 to BC711 with a comment on the cell that shows what was previously in the cell before the change, as well as track the User, Date and Time of the Last Edit of the cell, (need all of this in the comment of each cell). (All for Excel 2007 in Windows XP)
I currently have the code to track the User, Time, and Date of each edit of each cell with a comment, but it is for the entire spreadsheet.
Here is the code I am currently using:
Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Excel.Range)
Dim ccc As Range
Dim comment As String
comment = ("Cell Last Edited: ") & Now & (" by ") & Application.UserName
Target.Cells.NoteText comment
End Sub
So I was wondering if anyone knows the code for this?