Greetings everyone, I'm trying to program a very simple macro in Excel but my knowledge about visual basic is non-existent (I'm just now starting to learn C++ as a first programming language).
I have a small database in Excel with file names in row H, and keyword in row I, and some irrelevant informations in rows J, K, L, etc.
I would like to program something to prompt the user to enter a keyword and search for it in all the row I cases. If something is found, the filename in round H should output somewhere else in Excel. I know something like this can be done by using the right click + filter command on top my a column, but unfortunately my users aren't even computer-savy enough to do this.
Alternatively the program could simply use the built-in filter to filter out the cases where the information doesn't appear (note: I'm not sure if "filter" is the right word, I have the french version of Excel), I have tried doing a macro to do this and search for a specific word, then edit the word to make it use a variable instead but I couldn't even do that.
Thanks in advance!