I'd suggest this amendment to your code:
Sub Used_Spaces()
Dim srcR, destR, L As Integer
For srcR = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, 1).End(xlUp).Row
If IsNumeric(Cells(srcR, 1).Value) Then
L = Cells(srcR, 1).Value
For destR = 2 To Cells(Rows.Count, 5).End(xlUp).Row
If L = Cells(destR, 4).Value And Cells(destR, 8).Value = "" Then
Cells(destR, 7).Value = "X"
Exit For
End If
Next destR
End If
Next srcR
End Sub
First, find ways to not use "On Error Resume Next". This can lead to all sorts of problems. To make the code work without it, I check each cell in column A to make sure it is a number before attempting to reserve a spot with it.
Next to make sure only one matching spot is Xed, I add an Exit For which will get out of the inner For loop once a cell has been marked X. In general it is bad to use Exit For, but for this simple code it is easier than the alternative.