Alright, so I'm working on Excel at the moment, and want too create a macro button which involves some experience in VB6/Excel I'm not the best at it. What I'm trying to do is basically this. I have a list of customers Names, Address, City, State Zip all in one line going sideways. So what I'm trying to do is this. Instead of all them being sideways It is kind of messy for me. What i want is the following. Create a button that automatically does this. I'm going too create Name: Put all names going downwards, Address all addresses going downwards, City all cities going downwards etc.... So what i basically want this button to do is take the names from the straightened line that contains all the customers information and paste it neatly all under the Name: Address: City: State: Zip: by just a click of a button.
As you can see above if you open it in excel you'll see the name, address and all straitened and i want too put it in the empty fields i made in Name: Address: City: State: in just a button I'd love you if you can do this thanks a lot!