The destination worksheet and cells are blank.
The destination worksheet and cells are blank.
Sorry, what I meant was, are any of the Data cells That should have Text Numbers or Dates Blank or any of the Data cells that should contain Dates, Blank.
Example :- Your data is in Columns "L to O", if say there are 100 rows in those columns with data if any cell within this range is blank or has not got a date, you could get that error.
If there are blanks and that is how your data would normally be presented to you, then I can perhaps alter the code to take account of that, but I was trying to understand where the error came from.
Sorry I misunderstood.
The data in columns L & M is alphanumeric for grouping. The data in N & O is date format, can be over 1000 rows but there are occasional blanks.
I forgot to say - also row 1 contains text headings.
Try this:-
Regards Mick![]()
Sub MG18Jul13 Dim Rng As Range Dim Dn As Range Dim Q As Variant Dim Twn As String Dim Dt1 As Date Dim Dt2 As Date Set Rng = Range(Range("L2"), Range("L" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp)) With CreateObject("scripting.dictionary") .CompareMode = vbTextCompare For Each Dn In Rng If Application.CountA(Dn.Resize(, 4)) = 4 Then Twn = Dn & Dn.Offset(, 1) Dt1 = Format(Dn(, 3), "dd/mm/yyyy") Dt2 = Format(Dn(, 4), "dd/mm/yyyy") If Not .Exists(Twn) Then .Add Twn, Array(Dn, Dn(, 2), Dt1, Dt2) Else Q = .Item(Twn) If Dt1 < DateValue(Q(2)) Then Q(2) = Dt1 If Dt1 > DateValue(Q(3)) Then Q(3) = Dt2 .Item(Twn) = Q End If End If Next Sheets("sheet2").Range("A1").Resize(.Count, 4) = Application.Index(.items, Evaluate("row(" & 1 & ":" & .Count & " )"), Array(1, 2, 3, 4)) End With End Sub
Last edited by MickG; 07-18-2011 at 11:44 AM.
Hi Mick,
I get a Compile error - expected End With
This sounds simple but not sure where to put it?
Sorry , Bad Copying.
I've altered the code above
"End With" is right at the bottom just above "End Sub"
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