Hi there
I'm working with a report that has text and many empty cells. However, periodically the word "Location" appears in column A. I would like to copy what appears next to that word (column B) and paste it in the next empty cell on another sheet under the word "Location".
Basically, I am searching a report output and trying to make a Database summary of the information onto another tab to make it easier to read, etc.
I'm struggling with trying to find a match for text in a column though...
I highlighted in Red where the marco bugs and gives a Runtime 424: Object required error, which I can't seem to solve.![]()
Workbooks(ThatBook).Activate Sheets("Sheet2").Select Range("A1").Value = "Location" Range("B1").Value = "Total Number of Covered Employees " Range("C1").Value = "Total Monthly Claim" Range("D1").Value = "Rate / Unit:" Sheets("Sheet1").Activate For Each c In Columns("A:A").Select If c.Value = "Location" Then Range(Cells(c.lRow, 10)).Copy lRow = lRow + 1 ActiveSheet.Paste Destination:=Worksheets("Sheet2").Cells(lRow, 1) End If Next c
OK, in the preview it doesn't show. This is the line it stops at:
I will be going through other columns to capture the other info and paste it as well.![]()
For Each c In Columns("A:A").Select If c.Value = "Location" Then