I am having trouble with a macro that is supposed to perform the following tasks:

Prompt the user to input a cell where the drop down list is to be located
Prompt the user for a range of data to use in the drop down list values
Create drop down list
Hide the rows in which the drop down list values are located

I originally recorded a macro to do this, and then I am tweaking the code accordingly. What is troubling me is getting the macro to select a range from an input box, the using that input to create a list. It's the partcular language included in the .Add command that I do not understand I defined the input box as a range variable celRng, and I am trying to get Formula1: = celRng. But it is not working.

I have attached the code below, and marked in which lines the errors are located:

Sub CreatDropDownList()
' CreatDropDownList Macro
' Keyboard Shortcut: Ctrl+Shift+D
    Dim celNm, celRng As Range
    On Error Resume Next
       Application.DisplayAlerts = False
           Set celNm = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _
               "Please select a cell to create a list.", _
                   Title:="SPECIFY Cell", Type:=8)
    On Error GoTo 0
       Application.DisplayAlerts = True

       If celNm Is Nothing Then
           Exit Sub
            With Selection.Validation
                On Error Resume Next
                Application.DisplayAlerts = False
                Set celRng = Application.InputBox(Prompt:= _
                    "Please select the range of cells to be included in list.", _
                        Title:="SPECIFY RANGE", Type:=8)
                On Error GoTo 0
                Application.DisplayAlerts = True

                If celRng Is Nothing Then
                        Exit Sub
                    .Add Type:=xlValidateList, _
                        AlertStyle:=xlValidAlertStop, _
                        Operator:=xlBetween, _
                        Formula1:=celRng            'THIS IS WHERE THE ERROR HAPPENS
                    .IgnoreBlank = True
                    .InCellDropdown = True
                    .InputTitle = ""
                    .ErrorTitle = ""
                    .InputMessage = ""
                    .ErrorMessage = ""
                    .ShowInput = True
                    .ShowError = True
                 End If
            End With
    End If
    Range("celRng").Select               'ALSO ANOTHER ERROR HAPPENS HERE
    Selection.EntireRow.Hidden = True
End Sub
I feel as if the bug in this code is very simple and that I am not fundamentally understanding something. Any help is greatly appreciated!