Hi Barryleajo
I want to take this concept one stage further. I want to be able to choose an option based on the overall position in the combined list (i.e. List1 to List4), using a VLOOKUP, but to allow me to do this, would require changing the Input Range from 'rngChoose' in ComboBox2 to something like B10:B32 which means the second ComboBox won't function correctly.
So I want to maintain the functionality of both Combo Boxes, but I want to be able to use a VLOOKUP from the combined 4 ranges to get another value and display this value elsewhere on the sheet - I don't know if I'm making any sense at all. I've updated your sheet to try an explain this better. The column on the right with the single Combo Box, shows what I want to achieve, but you will see the Input Range isn't rngChoose any longer.
I can do the VLOOKUP bits, it is just how to configure the Combo Boxes to allow me to get the correct row number based on the 4 different ranges.
Is there any way I can combine these two techniques to achieve this that you can think off?