Dear All:
I owned a little company and i hired a gentleman couple month agos to do the scheduling on my shop. Unfortunately business got suck and i have to let him go last week. He wrote one program for the scheduling and i did paid him for that, somehow when i tried to install on different pc today, it required activation code. So i have to paid someone to break into his VBA project to unlock the program, but did not worked out. Here is the code he wrote, could u please help me if u could and i really appreciate all your helps.
Private Declare Function QuickLicenseRTX Lib "c:\Scheduler\SchRuntime.dll" (ByVal lpBuffer As String, ByVal nSize As Integer) As Integer
Private Sub Workbook_BeforeClose(Cancel As Boolean)
Range("A2").Value = -999
End Sub
Private Sub Workbook_Open()
Dim Message As String
Dim ReturnLen As Integer
Message = "C:\Scheduler;ProductSchS2007;1.0.0;999;;"
Message = Message + String(4096 - Len(Message), 0)
ReturnLen = QuickLicenseRTX(Message, Len(Message))
Message = Left(Message, ReturnLen)
Range("A2").Value = Message
End Sub