Ok so I see what you are trying to do, but the problem is those total values will change, as those values change they need to change on that apps corrosponding spreadsheet, that why I thought it should be in that spreadsheets code. Here this does exactly what I want, but I would have to repeat this 30 times (for up to 30 applications), is there anyway to automate this process (below?). Also im having the same issue with the application spreadsheets cells as I am my requirements total cells. Even though the formula is there, I have to click on the formula to highlite the cells and click enter to get the formula to work again. If I can automate this below process, and make it to where the formulas are activated, then I should be good.

  Set rightmarker = Sheets("Requirements").Range("B22").End(xlToRight)
   width = Sheets("Requirements").Range("B22", rightmarker).count

If width = 6 Then
    Sheets(app).Range("A2").Formula = "=Requirements!H84"
    Sheets(app).Range("B2").Formula = "=Requirements!I84"
     Sheets(app).Range("C2").Formula = "=Requirements!J84"
     Sheets(app).Range("D2").Formula = "=Requirements!K84"
 End If
 If width = 10 Then
    Sheets(app).Range("A2").Formula = "=Requirements!L84"
    Sheets(app).Range("B2").Formula = "=Requirements!M84"
    Sheets(app).Range("C2").Formula = "=Requirements!N84"
    Sheets(app).Range("D2").Formula = "=Requirements!O84"
 End If
 If width = 14 Then
    Sheets(app).Range("A2").Formula = "=Requirements!P84"
    Sheets(app).Range("B2").Formula = "=Requirements!Q84"
    Sheets(app).Range("C2").Formula = "=Requirements!R84"
    Sheets(app).Range("D2").Formula = "=Requirements!S84"
 End If