Ok let me re explain as I think it is confusing.
Initially you have 7 worksheets
Instructions, Project Summary, Requirements, Tables, Ammendment History, AIT, Generic Checklist. Everything but Instructions, Project Summary, and Requirements are hidden.
When an estimate is initiated the first thing is to copy down all of that projects requirements on the requirements page and then estimates are made on a per requirement basis. So after all of the requirements are added to the table they start with the first requirement and say "oh that affects application x", so they click the button and select that application where it adds 4 columns of fields next to the requirements. It also copies the "Generic Checklist" spread sheet into a spreadsheet titled with that applications name. This process is repeated as the move down the requirements list, in the end their may be up to 10 applications effected by the project and there for estimates need to be made for each.
What am i trying to do:
Every time an application is added I need to link the 4 total cells (one per addd column) to the 4 total cells formatted the same way in A2-D2 of that projects application page (the one we just created). After an estimate is made per requirement that check list is what they will go down and verify that they accounted for everything within each application. My whole issue is with linking cells between pages, as the pages are created, but not just the values of the actually cells. As the requirements are estimated more and more hours may be added to those columns, thus affecting the totals, which likewise needs to update the totals on each of those pages.
On a side note, I have noticed that despite having the formulas in those columns (sum the column into the total row) it isnt doing it. I have to click on the formula then hit the enter key. Is there any function that updates pages and reruns the formulas? This is minor, but important if I am giong to be referencing the totals row, I need that data to be accurate.
I reattached the file, that D37 stuff was just me trying to make things work. I had code on the requirements worksheet page as I was also trying to do it that way (so that anytime something on the sheet changed it would re link those cells) , but I couldnt make that work. I cleaned up my code alot, and deleted all of my "practice code". Eventually I will have data flying all of the place from sheet to sheet, but If you could just help me with copying the total cels into that applications respective spread sheet then I can copy how you did that for the rest.