Are you planning on hitting the button on worksheet(Requirements) more than once? The First time you hit the button columns(H:K) are copied over then if you hit again columns(L:O) are copied over. This would be an endless cycle till you ran out of columns.
Anyway lets take the first time you hit your button your looking for a way to copy H84:K84 to where? and if you hit the button a second time you would want to copy L84:O84 To somewhere? Correct?
I also noticed you have a worksheet change event in place on your REQ worksheet, This changes the values in the new page that was just created? However would you not just want to add the values or links at the time the columns are created on your REQ worksheet? from the script in mod 1 ?
I also noticed a lot of other information are you planing on moving all that as well? For example on copy that is created we are only filling in D37 with the value in H84 * Sheet Table H3?
My copy of the generic check list is filled with #ref errors so I dont know what cell they are trying to link to.
I'm sure there are many more questions as well, anyway can you try an walk me through again what is suppose to happen when you click the button. let me know what is working and what is not, after we get that part down you can let me know any additions you need to take place.
Thanks ,Mike