Hey RealNiceGuy, I am seeking a VERY similar solution. I decided it might be better to post here than flood the forum with a new topic. Attached is my excel file let me give you a little background: (This sounds way more complicated than it is I promise)
This a spreadsheet for making estimates.
1.) When you enter the spread sheet click on the requirements tab, you will see a gray buttton on top of yellow cells. Click that button.
2.)3 things just happenend
a listbox popped up, populated from a list on a hidden sheet.
4 columns, titled by the selection, just appeared on that requirements sheet.
A spreadsheet titled by the selectino just appeared.
3.) As you can see those 4 columns are seperate groups, each colum is summed to the bottom in the totals row.
What i am trying to do is take the 4 new cells in the total row and link it to the cells "A2:D2" on that applications corrosponding spreadsheet. each time a new app is added, 4 new columns will appear, 4 new total values will need to be linked to that new app's spreadsheets "A2:D2" cells.
As new line items are added and new values placed in those columns the total will change, as those totals change I need the cells linked so the totals on the other spreadsheets change as well. I tried doing this in a very similar fashion to the above file, but I wasnt quite able to get it to work. (my code is on requirements sheet)
Thank you so much in advance.