Hello everyone. I would like to extend the fomulas in columns AP, AQ, and AT to the last row of data. Currently I paste (via a macro) data from two seperate files into a workbook that acts as a template where the formulas in columns AP, AQ and AT are extended "far down". I would like to stop doing that and simply extend the formulas via code. Any suggestions? Below is my code that I am working with. The formuals are extended in the worksheet called "...Valuation Tool"
Option Explicit
Public Sub CommandButton1_Click()
Dim CurrentDate As String
Dim PriorDate As String
Dim WrkbookPrior As Workbook
Dim WrkbookCurrent As Workbook
Dim FilePath1 As String
Dim FileNamePrefix1 As String
FileNamePrefix1 = "Option EPMS Valuation "
FilePath1 = "C:\Users\AHernandez1\Desktop\"
With Workbooks.Open(FilePath1 & "Option EPMS Valuation " & Format(TextBoxPriorDate.Text, "m-dd-yy") & ".xlsx")
.Sheets("Page1-1").Range("A:AO").Copy Workbooks("Option EPMS Valuation Tool.xlsm").Sheets("Prior_Quarter").Range("A1")
End With
With Workbooks.Open(FilePath1 & LCase(FileNamePrefix1) & Format(TextBoxCurrentDate.Text, "m-dd-yy") & ".xlsx")
.Sheets("Page1-1").Range("A:AO").Copy Workbooks("Option EPMS Valuation Tool.xlsm").Sheets("Current_Quarter").Range("A1")
End With
Workbooks("Option EPMS Valuation Tool.xlsm").Sheets(1).Range("R:R").NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" 'Format to a number
Workbooks("Option EPMS Valuation Tool.xlsm").Sheets(1).Range("AP:AP").NumberFormat = "#,##0.00" 'Format to a number
'WrkbookPrior.Close False
'WrkbookCurrent.Close False
End Sub