What do you mean the hidden app can not be made visible?
To make a hidden app visible, you can type into the immediate window:
and hit Enter.![]()
Application.Visible = True
What do you mean the hidden app can not be made visible?
To make a hidden app visible, you can type into the immediate window:
and hit Enter.![]()
Application.Visible = True
Is your code running too slowly?
Does your workbook or database have a bunch of duplicate pieces of data?
Have a look at this article to learn the best ways to set up your projects.
It will save both time and effort in the long run!
How did it get invisible.
In these cases I use:
Which offers me the opportunity to switch between visible/not-visible whenever I like, because there's always a connection to this workbook.![]()
with getobject("E:\OF\example.xls") end with
In other cases you should use
Let me explain better. I have two excel sessions running,,, session A and session B.Session A contains two Workbooks and Session B contains one Workbook. For some reason, at the session level, Session B will become "B.Visible=false", or unavailable. When this happens any code that refers to session B will indicate the the object has not been set. A sample of my declarations is as follows:
xlLINKx and its workbook LinkUP and the worksheet LKD become invisible since the session in which they reside becomes invisible.![]()
Public xlLINKx As Excel.Application Public xlPicasso As Excel.Application Public Pcso As Workbook Public LinkUP As Workbook Public Crystal As Workbook Public LKD As Worksheet Public IQL As Worksheet
The only way to correct this is to reboot.
The only code I use in the program that refers to the word visible is in the following subroutine:
I just do not understand what is happening.![]()
Sub Open_xlLINKx(File_name As String, gotosheet As String) Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set xlLINKx = New Excel.Application On Error Resume Next xlLINKx.Visible = True 'toggle sessions Set LinkUP = xlLINKx.Workbooks.Open(FileName:=File_name, UpdateLinks:=3) Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub
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Stephen Druley
It looks intriguing.
Why don't you use
instead of:![]()
Sub Open_xlLINKx(File_name As String, gotosheet As String) with GetObject(File_name) .windows(1).visible=true .sheets(gotosheet).activate end With end sub
Sub Open_xlLINKx(File_name As String, gotosheet As String) Application.DisplayAlerts = False Set xlLINKx = New Excel.Application On Error Resume Next xlLINKx.Visible = True 'toggle sessions Set LinkUP = xlLINKx.Workbooks.Open(FileName:=File_name, UpdateLinks:=3) Application.DisplayAlerts = True End Sub
Last edited by snb; 06-22-2011 at 09:56 AM.
I will try this on my next revision... will let you know. I looks like it will improve communications and is a cleaner approach.
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