Well, after a little playing around I eventually came to this, which works exactly how I had hoped.
Private Sub Rectangle1_Click()
Columns("A:K").Hidden = Not Columns("A:K").Hidden
Sheets("Main").Shapes("Rectangle 4").Visible = Not Sheets("Main").Shapes("Rectangle 4").Visible
Sheets("Main").Shapes("Rectangle 5").Visible = Not Sheets("Main").Shapes("Rectangle 5").Visible
Sheets("Main").Shapes("Left Arrow 6").Visible = Not Sheets("Main").Shapes("Left Arrow 6").Visible
Sheets("Main").Shapes("Left Arrow 7").Visible = Not Sheets("Main").Shapes("Left Arrow 7").Visible
End Sub
This is of course the work of a very new user and therefore I'm sure there's a better or shorter way to accomplish the same thing. Does anyone have a suggestion on how to improve it?