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Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

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  1. #1
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    Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    I have a spreadsheet with multiple tabs, on each tab there are some rows (not in continuous ranges) that need to be hidden if the value in column F of that row is zero.

    If the value in column F is non-zero, I want a dialog to pop-up indicating "Row # on worksheet Y is non-zero" and giving the user the option to 1) hide the row anyway, 2) highlight the row (make the cell in column A shaded red) or 3) cancel out of the macro.

    In total there are 9 worksheets and about 100 rows to analyse.

    I know I could create an if statement for each row that looks to F and either pops up the dialog or hides the row, but that would mean 100 if statement which strikes me as slow and inefficient to both code and execute.

    I'm wondering if anyone can suggest a more efficient approach to this problem.

    Thanks in advance!

  2. #2
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    Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    I didn't know how to come up with a msgbox with 3 options for this, so instead created a simple form for you instead.

    The macro starts at F1 and keeps looking down the column until a blank cell is found. Each time it finds a non-zero value the form pops up with the 3 options: Hide, Highlight, Ignore.
    • Hide makes the entire row hidden
    • Highlight makes the cell in column A have a red background
    • Ignore just hides the form and moves on.

    Hopefully this is what you were looking for.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by tarquinious; 06-14-2011 at 01:48 PM.

  3. #3
    Forum Expert Mordred's Avatar
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    Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    Hi johnnycanuck, the following code will hide rows with a 0 in them
    Sub RowHider()
        Dim wb As Workbook
        Dim shtCnt As Long, shtCntr As Long
        Dim StrtRng As Variant, EndRng As Variant, FullRng As Variant, cl As Variant
        Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
        shtCnt = wb.Sheets.Count
        For shtCntr = 1 To shtCnt
            With wb.Sheets(shtCntr)
                Set StrtRng = .Range("F2")
                Set EndRng = .Range("F10000").End(xlUp)
                Set FullRng = Range(StrtRng, EndRng)
                For Each cl In FullRng
                    If cl.Value = 0 Then
                        cl.EntireRow.Hidden = True
                    End If
                Next cl
            End With
        Next shtCntr
    End Sub
    As for your other requirements, it seems like a lot of dialog pop-ups, or can be a lot, for the user to decide on. At any rate, that will require a form with options on it, which may take a little while to design, at least for me it will. However, I can do it but I cannot promise you'll get it post-haste!
    If you're happy with someone's help, click that little star at the bottom left of their post to give them Reps.

    ---Keep on Coding in the Free World---

  4. #4
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    Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    Quote Originally Posted by Mordred View Post
    Hi johnnycanuck, the following code will hide rows with a 0 in them[code]Sub RowHider()
    Dim wb As Workbook!
    I have just tried this code and it nearly does what i require, however there are rows at the top and bottom of the work sheet that i don't want removing, is there a way for this to only run a group of rows i select?

  5. #5
    Forum Expert Mordred's Avatar
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    Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    Never mind me!

  6. #6
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    Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    Hey guys, thanks for the very quick responses.

    They are both good solutions but the issue I'm struggling with is that the rows I need to analyse and hide are not in a continuous range.

    I.e. on one sheet, it is only rows 2, 3, 7, 9, 85, 89, 112-115, 189, 193-197, 200, 204, 205 that I need to look at and hide, if their F column value is 0. No matter what the value of row 1, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10-84, etc., even if it is 0, I don't want to hide it (or even look at it for that matter).

    On another sheet, it is a different set of rows to analyse/hide.

    Other than an if statement for each row, do you have any suggestions for an efficient way to loop through this disparate set of rows?

    As for the dialog popping up a lot, it is expected that the rows will have a zero value so it *shouldn't* pop up often. (If it does, I expect the user to choose to cancel the process and resolve the underlying issue).

    Thanks again

  7. #7
    Forum Expert Mordred's Avatar
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    Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    I may be wrong but if you want to only look at a determined batch of rows ie: 2,3 7,9,85,89, & etc then you'll have to create a whack of if statements. Otherewise the code will cycle through and look for any row with the value of 0 and then deal with it.

    If you want to be that specific, you'll most likely have to be that specific in your code.

  8. #8
    Forum Expert Mordred's Avatar
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    Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    Perhaps a mock workbook with mock data and your desired outcome would be applicable here. Can you upload one?

  9. #9
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    SOLVED - Re: Hiding Rows if a Value is Zero

    Thanks again for your help and suggestions.

    I ended up writing some code that utilizes GoSub to save me from having to write a custom IF statement for each row in my (long) list.

    Attached is what I wrote. I'll need to add some error handling and status updating, but otherwise this gets the job done.

    The form is just a simple 3-button dialog box that returns value 0, 1 or 2 based on the user's selection.

    I know using GoTo (and presumably GoSub) and .Select code is poor form, but I couldn't come up with better alternatives. Suggestions to make the code more efficient, robust or just better would be appreciated and welcomed.

    Thanks again

    Sub AnalyseandHideMetalDetail()
    Dim HideLead As String
    Dim FormatforPrint As String
    Dim DoForm As frmWhatToDo
    Set DoForm = New frmWhatToDo
    HideLead = Worksheets("Summary").Range("L7").Value
        CurrentHide = HideLead
                GoSub Analyse
                GoSub Analyse
                GoSub Analyse
    Exit Sub
            If ActiveCell.Value = 0 Then
                ActiveCell.EntireRow.Hidden = CurrentHide
                ElseIf CurrentHide = False Then GoSub WhatToDoForm
                Else: ActiveCell.EntireRow.Hidden = CurrentHide
            End If
      DoForm.labWhatToDo.Caption = "Row " & ActiveCell.Row & " on " & _
        ActiveSheet.Name & " is non-zero"
        Select Case DoForm.Tag
            Case 0
                Unload DoForm
                Set DoForm = Nothing
                Exit Sub
            Case 1
     '          Debug.Print "You chose Don't Hide"
                Range("A" & ActiveCell.Row).Select
                ActiveCell.Interior.Color = 3
            Case 2
    '           Debug.Print "You chose Hide Anyway"
                ActiveCell.EntireRow.Hidden = CurrentHide
            End Select
    End Sub

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