I understand how you did it now, but I made a mistake by leaving in the added column A within the StockList sheet. Unfortunately the raw data from our system doesn't include the data in column A (which I added myself by typing the individual names).
Products are added and took away on a weekly basis, and new products can be added too, which would have to be entered in manually I guess for the first list you choose from.
Making an automatic list to take either the first word, or the first and second word of a product wouldn't work, so I guess adding a new name to the list needs to be done manually.
The other option I could take is having the first list choice as a hidden cell on a protected sheet, as this document would be sent protected to a customer. The same as in the DataValSelectName.xml example, but with more lines. By doing this, I'd not have to enter any data manually, I'd just need to update the product list with a single action. I'll give another example tomorrow.