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Combining multiple columns into one column

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    Combining multiple columns into one column


    I a total rookie into VBA-programming and hope someone can help me.

    In my sheet I have multiple columns that I need to combine into one column:
    - In this example (see attachment) I have 4 columns E:H I need to combine into column C.
    - There will be data in the columns nearby the range I like to combine.
    - I need to do this on different data sets where the number of columns (and rows) will vary, therefore it could be nice to have a field where I can give input on how many columns that should be combined - in this example cell E2.
    - I don't want to have a function that can concatenate the columns.

    I have not succeded to find a code that I can adapt for that purpose. I will be happy if there is someone who can help me.

    Thanks in anvanced!

    Casper The friendly VBA rookie ;-)
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