I have a worksheet where I would like to add a row.
I have two sections of a three section worksheet where I need to do so, so running a macro to copy, paste a row will not work, because eventually the macros below will be off, and can will be adding the from the wrong row.
I have three lists. List one is rows 10 through 18. List two is rows 19 through 27, and list three is rows 29 to 37.
This is a template, that is to be filled out, so it is essentially empty no, but list two or list three may go as high as 120 rows each total.
So, in list two, when data is entered in column A, B, C, D or E of row 27 (Currently last row of that list), I want to automatically add row 28 with empty fields, but carry the nested IF formulas from column F, G, H, I, J, K and L.
I will need to do the same with List three, which currently ends at row 37, until rows are added to list two.
It would also be great if when the second to last row of a list is cleared out (column A, B, C, D, and E), that it will delete the last row, (but leave at least 8 rows in a list) so there is always one empty row at the bottom of list two and three. But for now I will be happy with adding the rows.