Thanks! A couple of things to start with.
1. Does the value in C5 have an extension like .xls or xlsx?The following code assumes that it does not have an extension.
Public Sub SaveAsC5()
Dim fName As String, wb As Workbook
Set wb = ActiveWorkbook
fName = wb.Sheets(1).Range("C5").Value
wb.SaveAs Filename:="G:\" & fName & ".xlsm"
End Sub
This code declares Sheet 1 as the sheet to use for the C5 value. If it differs from yours, change it accordingly. Also, notice the filename after wb.SaveAs, you have to declare the drive (in my case it is G:\) and then also notice the "&" that is used twice. Depending on your version, you have to declare the proper extension. If your version is 2003, us .xls. I am using 2010 so that is why I used .xlsm