I have set up a userform that I use to enter sales data, what I would like to do is be able to use this same form to look up data already entered on the worksheet "sales", then make any changes, then update the workbook or add a new product & projected sales data. I am not sure how to change the code to do this. I am fairly new to VBA coding & I have tried searching the forum, but i haven't come up with the answer. (I have used this format & based it to suit my situation from a Userform i downloaded from www.contextures.com)
Once a cboRegion has been selected I would like to populate cboProduct1, cboProduct2 etc with products that have sales for the cboRegion selected along with populating txtJuly1, txtAugIn1, txtSept1 etc etc.
I just need you to give me an example to follow & where to put it that would be great.
Here is a screenshot of my userform http://cid-9b0f0d5afa4a0fd5.photos.l...s/UserForm.jpg
Here is a screenshot of my worksheet "Sales" http://cid-9b0f0d5afa4a0fd5.photos.l...5AFA4A0FD5!361
Looking forward to your suggestions:
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