I can visualize what royUK is driving at. What about the following structure?:
1) Insert a new 'A' column with heading: "Product Set".
2) For the Sheet1 data, type "Set 1" in these cells below heading (or just "1", or "1" w/ custom formatting to put prefix "Set " before #).
3) Move sheet2 data to bottom of sheet1 data and type "Set 2" ... following same pattern as #2 above.
4) Move sheet3 & the rest of the sheetX data appending to the bottom of sheet1 and typing in the appropriate "Set X" text for each of these sets of data.
In the end, you will have ALL the data in one sheet and everyone can filter either the "Product Set" column or the "ID" column, thereby filtering everything in one shot.
I realize that you only know your details best (been in position where suggestions don't fit the constraints that come from other production anomalies), but curious if the above structure might work (???).
Reading over your code opened the door to teach me about ListObjects. Good to know!