Hello everyone.
I need some help on some pasting issues I have in code (Excel 2007).
So a user open an excel spreadhseet and a userform pops open. The form has two textboxes and two buttons. In the first textbox a a date (shorthand) is entered. The user presses a button and a file with that date extension is retrieved. Upon opening the file the user is prompted to select an area to copy.
Set CPSelection = Application.InputBpx(prompt:="Please highlight (or select) the are you want with your mouse", Type:=8)
Now the user goes back to the userform and enters some text in a TextBox. After that she presses a button which creates and opens a new Excel file and is supposed to paste CPSelection.
With ActiveSheet
End With
I get two errors on various runs. One informs me that I have a paste method fail. The other informs me that I do not have enough room on the clipboard.
Any ideas?