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wrong data copied into new cell from macro

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johnmerlino wrong data copied into new... 05-11-2011, 08:53 PM
JBeaucaire Re: wrong data copied into... 05-12-2011, 10:42 AM
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    wrong data copied into new cell from macro

    Hey all,

    I have this macro and this is basically what I am trying to do:

    If J contains the word Defendant
    If F contains the word Foreclosure
    If G contains " V ESTATE OF "
    Then keep everything to the right of "OF"
    Else If G contains " VS "
    Then keep everything to the right of " VS "
    Else If G contains " V " (notice the spaces before and after V)
    Then keep everything to the right of " V "

    If K contains " " (two consecutive spaces)
    Then Keep it
    If K contains "UNKNOWN SPOUSE OF"
    Then remove the very last character of cell, which will be a comma
    And if the cell begins with an underscore
    Then remove it
    Then Keep it

    Assign the result of G to the corresponding N cell
    Assign the result of K to the corresponding O cell

    This is macro:

    Sub Inspect()
    Dim RENums As Object
    Dim RENums2 As Object
    Dim LValue  As String
    Dim LValue2  As String
    Set RENums = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    Set RENums2 = CreateObject("VBScript.RegExp")
    RENums.Pattern = "DEFENDANT"
    RENums2.Pattern = "FORECLOSURE"
      Dim lngLastRow As Long
      lngLastRow = ActiveSheet.Range("A" & Rows.Count).End(xlUp).Row
      Dim i
      For i = 1 To lngLastRow
        If RENums2.test(Range("F" & i).Value) Then
          If RENums.test(Range("J" & i).Value) Then
              pos = InStr(Range("G" & i), " V ")
              pos2 = InStr(Range("G" & i), " VS ")
              pos3 = InStr(Range("G" & i), " V ESTATE OF ")
              dbspace = InStr(Range("K" & i), "  ")
              If pos3 <> 0 Then
                 LValue2 = Right(Range("G" & i), Len(Range("G" & i)) - pos * 2)
              ElseIf pos <> 0 Then
                 LValue2 = Right(Range("G" & i), Len(Range("G" & i)) - pos - 2)
              ElseIf pos2 <> 0 Then
                LValue2 = Right(Range("G" & i), Len(Range("G" & i)) - pos - 2)
              End If
              If dbspace <> 0 Then
                LValue = Range("K" & i)
              End If
                schr = Right(LValue, 1)
                If schr = "_" Then
                  With WorksheetFunction
                   Range("N" & i).Value = Trim(.Substitute(LValue, "_", ""))
                  End With
                  Range("N" & i).Value = Trim(LValue)
                End If
                Range("O" & i).Value = Trim(LValue2)
          End If
        End If
      Next i
    End Sub
    What happens right now is something strange. The correct value is never pasted into N in some cases. Rather a value from another cell in K is pasgted to the wrong cell in N.

    I attached an excel spreadsheet example of the issue.

    Thanks for response.
    Attached Files Attached Files
    Last edited by johnmerlino; 05-11-2011 at 08:56 PM.

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