Hello everybody!
On Sheet1, B2 through B15600 will contain a list of numbers. I want to be able to take an average of a given amount of those cells and enter it into a corresponding cell in C. To do this, I would like to be able to enter 2 numbers on Sheet2 in cells B1 and B2. B1 will govern the range of cells and B2 will determine how many cells up from the cell in Column C that the range will end.
For instance, if I entered the numbers 10 and 10, cell C20 would have the following formula "=Average(B2:B11)".
I would also like it to be auto filled all the way to C15600.
I am not very good at VBA yet but here is the code I have so far. It is giving me a "Compile Error: Expected End of Statement"
Can you guys offer any help?