Yes, I did. Here a bit of code I used that did the trick:
For Each Prop In ThisWorkbook.ContentTypeProperties
If Prop.Name = "Brand" Then Prop.Value = Range("FormBrand").Value
If Prop.Name = "Description" Then Prop.Value = Range("FormDesc").Value
If Prop.Name = "Complete Date" Then Prop.Value = Range("FormCompDate").Value
If Prop.Name = "Assigned To" Then Prop.Value = Range("FormAssignedTo").Value
If Prop.Name = "Eng Comp Date" Then Prop.Value = Range("formEngDate").Value
Next Prop
The key is the collection called ContentTypeProperties. The names of those properties correspond to the names
listed in the properties of your sharepoint document. In my case, the ones I'm setting are "Brand", "Description", "Complete Date", "Assigned To" and "Eng Comp Date". I'm setting them to the value of a range in my workbook, but you could just as easily set them to the value of a variable in your code or a hard coded string.
Hope this help...I've gotten a lot of mileage out of the technique.