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Macro to rename sheet based on date in a cell with multiple occurrences.

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    Macro to rename sheet based on date in a cell with multiple occurrences.


    I am getting whooped here.

    I have a spreadsheet that has 25 tabs. This worksheet updates based on an external data pull. I need to rename all the tabs in this sheet based on a date that is in cell C7 on each sheet.

    I have that part down with this code.

    For i = 1 To Sheets.Count
        If Worksheets(i).Range("p1").Value <> "" Then
            Sheets(i).Name = Worksheets(i).Range("p1").Value
            Sheets(i).Name = "Default (" & i & ")"
        End If
    End Sub
    Now the problem that I have is that I may have the same date repeat 5 or 6 times in this data and need it to add a (2), (3), etc... to each extra one after the first. It is acceptable if it puts a (1) on the first one also.

    Anyone have any ideas?
    Last edited by timlocke; 04-09-2011 at 12:44 PM.

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