I reached the place where I read in *.xml from the web as DOM document to access nodes and manipulate them, but I can't seem to find a way to get values from DOM document to spreadsheet. I used real link, so nodes can bee looked up there. I'd like to paste all "price" nodes in my spreadsheet "Sheet1", cells(1,1). Here is the code:
Sub FindNode()
Dim oXmlDoc As DOMDocument
Dim oXmlNode As IXMLDOMNode
Dim oXmlNodes As IXMLDOMNodeList
Set oXmlDoc = New DOMDocument
oXmlDoc.async = False
oXmlDoc.Load ("http://api.erepublik.com/v2/feeds/market/15/39/5")
Set oXmlNodes = oXmlDoc.SelectNodes("/offers/offer/price")
Debug.Print oXmlDoc.XML
For Each oXmlNode In oXmlNodes
Debug.Print oXmlNode.Text
End Sub