Hello All,
I have a nice template that I use for work. I would like to save a lot of time with filling out street addresses and store names.
I would like to create a list of all addresses that I use and store name: (This will be one choice per template)
50 Main Street | Grosery
230 Broadway | Restaurant
233 Ocean Ave | Deli
I tried using Data Validation, but I have over 500 stores and the drop down is too big.
I tried Data Validation with a ControlBox, but the auto complete function did not wirk with only one cell. If I had few and entered something in the first one then in the second drop down if I started with the same letter it would show the auto complete. (I am not sure how to make this clear. Was I using it wrong? I used this sheet as a example DataValComboClickDepend.xls and I just could not make it work the way I wanted)
I tried Control Box from the control toolbox by itself and it auto completes but does not filter. So if I enter 23...and click the arrow, I still see all the addrasses and not the ones that begin with 23.
Is there any way to do this? All ideas are welcomed.
Thanks so much in advance.