Hi. We have a problem with one of our spreadsheet, maybe someone can give us idea how to do it. We have this special characters that we wanted to delete which is located in 1 column in multiple rows but we couldn't do it using the regular excel. We heard that vba will be able to do it but we don't know that much of macro. Is that possible? Example of special characters that we wanted to delete are "^", "*", "&", "-", etc. Is it possible using macro and how? Hope you can help us. Thanks.
Example of 1 column in multiple rows:
A1: 1234 Love^ St
A2: 1111 Rose St^
A3: 1222 Hold^ Street*
Those are street addresses in 1 column but multiple rows like hundreds of rows and they have those "^" & "*" special characters that we want to delete. Hope you can help us. Thanks.