Hi all,
I'm trying to make a creative and easy to use holiday planner that'll be used with the heads of departments in my office.
I so far have the general layout of how I want the worksheet to look (see images attached). The calendar covers the entire year (horizontally).
What I'd like to do is have a user open the userform from a button on the worksheet (not yet added), select an employee, the type of absence (holiday, sick leave or other) and add the "from" and "to" dates.
When they hit submit, it'll match the employee name from the nameCombox1 to the worksheet (sheet1.range("B2:B20")), note the absence type selected (which should format the target cell(s) with "Holiday", "Sick Leave" or "Other") then find the "from date" and the "to" date and add the absence type value to the cells horizontally between these two dates.
I have been plugging away at this over the last day but haven't had any luck.
If anyone can help me with either of these two problems, I'd be very grateful!
Thanks in advance.
I originally asked this on Mr Excel. Due to the urgency of this doc I'm trying to increase my chances of a reply. I'll keep both threads updated.