Hi ker9,
See if this code makes sense
Sub CopySht1ToSht2()
Dim RowCtr1 As Double
Dim RowCtr2 As Double
Dim WS2 As Worksheet
Set WS2 = Worksheets("Sheet2")
RowCtr2 = 3
For RowCtr1 = 1 To Cells(Rows.Count, "E").End(xlUp).Row
If InStr(Cells(RowCtr1, "E"), "A") > 0 Then
With WS2
.Cells(RowCtr2, "A") = Cells(RowCtr1, "A")
.Cells(RowCtr2, "B") = Cells(RowCtr1, "C")
.Cells(RowCtr2, "C") = Cells(RowCtr1, "D")
RowCtr2 = RowCtr2 + 1
End With
End If
Next RowCtr1
End Sub
Watch out for the PERIODS in front of "Cell". They mean using the With WS2. The Cell without the period in front means the active worksheet.