I have spent awhile trying to figure how to even start coding this thing.....

The goal: Find the differences and highlight (Conditional format) the field.

The situation:
I have two different workbooks, one Workbook consist of all the data of the different types of inputs while Workbook Two only consist of data with a specific input type... therefore the data in WB1 should have all the data in WB2. Each Workbook has titles such as alarm 1, alarm 2, alarm 3 and etc but they are not in the same rows (eg. WB1's Alarm 1 is in column H while WB2's Alarm 1 is in column K). The best way to compare the two is by their key tags which is a string of about 15 Characters.
I need to find a way to compare all these different columns with it's corresponding column in the other workbook using the key tag as the search criteria... [ Compare data for key tag: 12345678asd in WB1 to the corresponding data in WB2 for the same key tag]

I am so lost at where to even start.... the best result is that it outputs the differences into another excel spreadsheet with the same titles with the field that is different highlighted... but even just a plain list of key tags with things different would be good too.....

I tried using Access and I can't seem to create the queries to display what I want....

I also don't know any of the reserved words for VB that works with excel.... and finding a glossary online hasn't yielded any results....